Wednesday, 18 January 2012

2012 - End of the world or just the Eurozone in its present form ?

After a year of great adversity and  change I finally can look back at 2011 and thank God I made it through...

Unfortunately for the Euro-zone it must feel like groundhog day.... we are still faced by the same problems we faced coming into 2010..  Remember back then?  Greece was not needing financial aid whatsoever they told us.... Yeh right ! Not much has changed at all.. with possible exception of the markets ability to accept more and more bad news.. and the ratings agencies downgrading any country that can even spell taramousalata..

On the US front its an election year thus, expect data to  be on the positive side....

China ? ... I really don't know whether to believe the data they keep pumping out....surely we will see things go sideways and even backwards this year.

War with Iran ?  ... Who can afford it these days...

Around the markets  we  are seeing a continuation of the Risk-On trade today... Stocks are firm, USD a tad weaker  across the board today..  will be watching short EurCad and EurAud setups  on the 30 and 60 minute charts.

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