Saturday, 19 December 2009

Free Information Sources

In order to trade against the professionals you need  to  be  aware of what is  happenning, I have  found  that these links are  the  best free  resources around. Let  it  be  known  I have  not  told  any of  these  sites  I  am  publishing their links...  When I want  to  set  up  a  money  management service or  trade  signal  service  I will  tell  you  in  advance.. these  sites  are  my  sites  of  choice,  they  are  free  and  really  great.
These guys  have  a  depth of experience and contacts...
The  best free news and commentary on the  net.
This guy is not only good but I gel with his views...
I don´t know the  guy  but  their tech guy is good for a  read and  keep  his  levels  in mind.
If you trade Gold and Silver which I urge you too... this daily report is the  best.

If you  trade  commodities  I have  a  few more  to  share,  but  I  will  load  those  tom.

As its  getting  close  to christmas I will add  bits  n  pieces  trying  to  start  a  coherant blog  of  trades  and  ideas  in  the  new  year.


Spinner said...

Well me boy, lets see if you're as good writing as you're as a trader.


Niu2FX said...

wutt wutt !!! ur first post !!! nice bear, keep em coming